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研究 主场优势? 居民零售距离和小企业财务结果

近年来,地方决策者越来越关注旨在改善居民获得零售便利设施的政策和投资(法雷尔), Relihan, 和Ward 2017). 通常, these decisions are made focusing on the positive effects such policies/investments have on residents, 将商业视为减少这些距离的一个因素.

This brief expands the conversation by considering how small businesses may also benefit from policies that improve retail access. Neighborhoods where residents do not have to travel far for retail amenities often achieve this status via careful cultivation of infrastructure (e.g. 可步行性、交通、场所营造). 尽管这不是旨在改善居民零售准入的政策的主要重点, 当地决策者和倡导团体假设,改善居民对零售设施的使用也可以从两个方面给企业带来好处——他们的盈利能力, 以及他们的生存能力. 

我们探讨了在何种程度上,位于居民零售距离较低的社区的面向消费者的小企业比位于居民购买零售商品更远的社区的公司表现更好,生存时间更长.1,2,3 为了促进这项研究, 我们通过多项措施分析了2019年3月至2020年9月期间的一组公司,以首次了解居民的零售距离如何影响小企业的成果.我们发现了这一点, 总的来说, 零售距离较短的社区可能会表现得稍好一些, 但可能无法以更高的比率存活.

找到一个: 在零售距离较短的社区中,典型的小企业的持续收入比在零售距离较长的社区中高出27%左右, 只有2美元,年利润增加150英镑.

现金流量是小企业整体财务健康状况的一个关键指标. 能够维持对其产品或服务的健康需求并拥有稳固的客户基础的公司可以期望产生巨大且不断增长的收入. 在公司能够控制成本的范围内, 他们能够产生更高的利润. 然后,这些利润可以用来维持现金缓冲,以应对不确定性, 增加业主财富, 或者对企业进行再投资. We find that neighborhoods with low retail distances for residents also benefit small businesses, 特别是在他们的收入和利润率方面.

Figure 1: Revenues were 27 percent higher for firms located in low retail distance neighborhoods

The typical business in a low retail distance neighborhood had higher revenues compared to businesses located in neighborhoods with high retail distances. Figure 1 shows monthly revenues for the typical firm located in a low and high retail distance neighborhood. 在整个系列(2019年3月至2020年9月)期间, median revenues were about 27 percent higher for the typical firm located in a low retail distance neighborhood. This gap persisted across the income spectrum at different magnitudes; for example, 在收入最低的社区,收入中位数高出约41%, 而在收入最高的社区,这一比例要高出19%左右.

在2020年3月至5月(COVID大流行的开始和最初冲击)期间,无论社区居民的零售距离有多远,典型公司的收入都有所下降. 此外, the gap in median revenues shrunk during this period – from 27 percent to 14 percent. 从夏季到秋季,营收中值有所上升, 但稳定在低于大流行前的水平. 相应的, 位于低零售距离社区的典型公司与位于高零售距离社区的典型公司之间的收入差距从14%上升到19%.

这种收入差异可能在我们的观察中起到一定作用,即位于零售距离较短的社区的公司通常比那些位于居民必须走得更远的社区的公司保持略高的利润率. 2019年3月至2020年9月, the typical firm located in a low retail distance neighborhood had a median profit margin that was 0.比位于高零售距离社区的公司高3个百分点. 按年计算, 我们估计这一差额为2美元,与位于零售距离较远的社区的公司相比,位于零售距离较远的社区的典型小企业的利润为150美元. 

图2:低收入社区的年利润差距最大, 在高收入社区中是最小的

Figure 2 displays the estimated annual profits of firms located in low and high retail distance neighborhoods across neighborhood income quintiles. We found that the difference in profit margins persisted across neighborhoods of all income levels; however, 在高收入社区,这种差异较小. 值得注意的是, 位于较低零售距离的典型公司的估计年利润, low-income neighborhood were greater than the estimated annual profits of the typical firm located in a high retail distance, 中等收入社区.

发现二: 零售距离高的社区的小企业与零售距离低的社区的小企业有相似的退出率和现金流动性水平.

Despite finding that firms in low retail distance neighborhoods were generally more profitable, firms in low retail distance neighborhoods did not exit at substantively lower rates in comparison to firms in high retail distance neighborhoods, 在COVID大流行之前和期间. 此外, 我们观察到,公司持有的现金缓冲水平的差异很小,这取决于他们所在社区的居民所走的零售距离.

Figure 3: There was no substantive difference in annualized exit rates between neighborhoods with low / high retail distances

根据居民零售距离的不同,企业退出率的差异很小. 图3显示了公司退出的比例,这取决于公司所在社区居民在两个时间段内所走的零售距离,这两个时间段大致对应于COVID大流行之前和期间. 公司在低零售距离的社区比在高零售距离的社区更不可能退出,但这种差异可以忽略不计. 在大流行发生之前(2019年3月至2020年2月), 低零售距离社区的公司以每年6%的速度退出.9%,而年增长率为7%.位于高零售距离社区的公司占3%. 大流行期间(2020年3月至2020年9月), 我们发现,年化退出率基本相似, 在零售距离较低的社区,公司的年退出率为7%.5%比7%.位于高零售距离社区的公司为6%.

Figure 4: There was no substantive difference in cash buffer days held by firms in low / high retail distance neighborhoods

Cash buffer days are the number of days of cash outflows a business could pay out of its cash balance were its inflows to stop (Farrell and 小麦 2016). 它可以被认为是衡量公司财务状况弹性的指标, providing insight into how long a firm could stay afloat were it not able to conduct business as usual.

公司退出率的相似性可能部分是由公司所在社区零售距离概况中现金缓冲天数的相对较小差异所驱动的. 除了2020年3月至9月期间, 我们发现,位于低零售距离社区的典型公司具有, 平均, one more cash buffer day in comparison to a firm located in a high retail distance neighborhood. 值得注意的是, prior research has shown that a single extra cash buffer day reduces the probability of exit by a small, 但在统计上很重要, 数量(法雷尔, 小麦, 和Mac 2020).

2020年3月至9月(COVID大流行期间), 我们看到现金缓冲天数增加了, regardless of the retail distances traveled by the residents in the neighborhood the firm is located in. We believe this rise in cash buffer was spurred by the increase in balances that were driven by the simultaneous influx of government assistance (such as, 但不限于, 薪水保护计划),并在COVID大流行期间减少资金外流. 然而,有趣的是,我们观察到现金缓冲天数的差距 扩大 在此期间要三天.


Our findings suggest that improving the resident retail distances of a neighborhood can also benefit the small businesses located in those neighborhoods, 但可能不足以提高存活率.


  • 小型企业可以从更好的零售通道中受益,居民也是如此: 我们观察到,那些居民不需要走那么远就能到达零售设施的社区,能够支持收入更高的小企业,这些小企业也更有利可图. 地方决策者应该考虑是否可以通过鼓励将住宅开发与小企业相结合的开发计划来改善社区居民的零售距离, as the small businesses placed in these neighborhoods could improve consumer welfare while also providing livelihoods for their owners.
  • Implementing neighborhood level retail policies may not contribute meaningfully to improved small business resilience地方官员正在考虑的一大类政策是扩大或支持大多数居民区内的小企业的机会, 有时会有很大的预算影响. 这类政策的前提是,它将使居民受益,为他们提供更好的零售设施和小企业,为他们提供附近的客户群,这可能会改善他们的结果. Despite our finding that low retail distance neighborhoods may support more profitable small businesses, 我们的初步证据显示,对小企业的弹性只有很小的好处.


我们感谢Anuradha Raghuram对这项研究的辛勤工作和重要贡献. 此外,我们还要感谢林赛·雷里汉和小马文·沃德. 对零售距离的基础研究.

This effort would not have been possible without the critical support of our partners from the 澳博官方网站app Consumer & 社区银行和企业技术解决方案团队的数据专家, 包括迈克尔·阿吉拉尔, Kyung Cho-Miller, 安普Deshpande, 安德鲁·戈德堡, 梅丽莎高盛, Senthilkumar Gurusamy, 德里克-, 布莱恩·马多克斯, 阿尔伯特·雷蒙德, 安东尼·鲁伊斯, Subhankar Sarkar, Breann Zickafoose, and from our internal partners and 澳博官方网站app 研究所 team members including Haley Dorgan, 詹姆斯·杜吉德, 伊丽莎白·埃利斯, Alyssa Flaschner, 菲奥娜格雷格, 考特尼黑客, 克里斯Knouss, 莎拉屈尔, Sruthi饶, Parita沙, 特里梅恩史密斯, 颊严厉, 尼古拉斯Tremper, 和Preeti Vaidya.

我们要感谢澳博官方网站app的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙 & Co., for his vision and leadership in establishing the 研究所 and enabling the ongoing research agenda. 还有来自全公司的支持,尤其是彼得·谢尔, 马克斯Neukirchen, Joyce Chang, 玛丽安湖, 詹妮弗Piepszak, Lori啤酒, 德里克·沃尔德伦, and Judy Miller—the 研究所 has had the resources and support to pioneer a new approach to contribute to global economic analysis and insight.





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